Turn insights into impact

Zartico’s suite of lodging insight modules is powered by the largest commercially available data set for hotels and short-term vacation rentals (STVR). Encompassing 135+ national hotel brands and more than 13 million hotel rooms and STVR units, this data unlocks trends within the foundation of the visitor economy.

Available as an add-on subscription to the Zartico Destination Operating System® (ZDOS®), each of the four lodging modules illuminates a different facet of overnight stays within your destination. 

Report on high-level KPIs, or dig into future bookings, feeder markets, or your destination’s competitive landscape. When used alongside our other integrated data sets, Zartico Lodging Data becomes an integral part of your data-led strategic planning initiatives.

Best of all, you can share your insights with community stakeholders. Export a module, schedule an automated email, or easily snap a screenshot for your next presentation.

Lodging Core Computer

Lodging Core: Evaluate where you’ve been

Report on your destination’s lodging performance with confidence. Data is refreshed weekly and piped directly into the ZDOS® — no files to upload and no revision period.

  • Industry-standard KPIs, plus new indicators including average stay value and booking window
  • Daily granularity reveals day-of-week trends in occupancy, rate, and length of stay
  • Hotel and short-term vacation rental performance in a single view
  • Presentation-ready charts for quick, easy reporting
Lodging Pacing

Lodging Pacing: See where you’re going

Would you drive a car with no windshield and only a rearview mirror to guide you? This is exactly how destination leaders have been navigating market changes for decades — but no longer.

Look up to six months into the future, understanding upcoming changes in demand, stay value, and length of stay. Pinpoint high and low visitation periods and plan for them in advance. Develop marketing strategies to influence future bookings, and measure the impact of your efforts.

  • Future bookings vs. past performance
  • Trends in stay value and market importance among top 10 feeder markets
  • 30- and 90-day heatmaps show upcoming busy or slow periods at a glance

Lodging Pacing: See where you’re going

Would you drive a car with no windshield and only a rearview mirror to guide you? This is exactly how destination leaders have been navigating market changes for decades — but no longer.

Look up to six months into the future, understanding upcoming changes in demand, stay value, and length of stay. Pinpoint high and low visitation periods and plan for them in advance. Develop marketing strategies to influence future bookings, and measure the impact of your efforts.

  • Future bookings vs. past performance
  • Trends in stay value and market importance among top 10 feeder markets
  • 30- and 90-day heatmaps show upcoming busy or slow periods at a glance
Lodging Premium

Lodging Premium: Map out how to get there

Dig into the overnight stay trends of your most influential feeder markets and optimize your lodging sector for year-round destination success.

Pair market insights with Zartico’s spending and geolocation data sets to paint a three-dimensional picture of your destination’s ideal visitor. 

  • Market importance by revenue and comparative stay value
  • Seasonal patterns in stay volume and average daily rate
  • Insights to support a yield-management approach to destination promotion
  • Revenue breakdowns by booking origin and rate type
Lodging Competitive

Lodging Competitive: Navigate around what stands in your way

Benchmark lodging performance against your selected comp set to understand local changes within the context of the broader travel market. Strategically choose which markets to grow, and craft strategies for maintaining market share with your most impactful visitors.

  • Top-line KPIs provide an at-a-glance health check
  • Competitive intensity highlights visitor markets vital to competitive destinations
  • Stay value insights spotlight similarities and differences in product pricing

Insights built for action

Never before have destination leaders had access to a suite of data insights designed to turn lodging performance metrics into powerful strategic planning tools. 

Zartico lodging insights give destinations a new, future-focused lens for guiding their communities forward, plus innovative KPIs that feed directly into marketing strategies, campaign planning, content development, and impact reporting.

See the Zartico difference: Download an at-a-glance guide to understand how Zartico Lodging Data measures up to the competition.

Ready to unlock lodging insights for your destination? Talk to our team today.

Ready to unlock lodging insights for your destination? Talk to our team today.

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