Connect website engagement with real-world destination visits 

A destination’s website is the #1 opportunity to educate and influence potential visitors. Marketers invest accordingly, focusing time and resources to make this asset the best it can be. 

But without a way to capture the final sale, how can you effectively manage this valuable asset to encourage and shape visitation?

Zartico’s Website Attribution combines pixel-based website activity data with powerful geolocation data to help marketers understand which website content converts and how actual travelers are using it to plan their visits.

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Create content that actual visitors use to plan trips 

It’s likely that your website is a trusted resource for many audiences — including locals, the media, or people dreaming of trips they’ll never take.

Website Attribution isolates the web activities of people who actually show up to your destination, allowing you to see which content categories and pages resonate with visitors. 

Zartico’s system uses natural language processing (a branch of AI) to automatically tag each page of your website with a content category. We use the same categories across website, geolocation, and spending data, allowing you to see how website behavior correlates to in-destination movement.

Analyze your top-converting website content topics to pinpoint opportunities for improvement or to find data-backed recommendations for your next campaign creative.

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Schedule marketing efforts to align with visitors’ planning cycles

Zartico’s View-to-Visit Window measures the time between a traveler’s first visit to your website and their arrival to your destination. Understanding this timing is key to developing effective campaign strategies that align with visitors’ planning period, ensuring that your content reaches them at just the right time. 

Explore View-to-Visit Window by season or by origin market to better target marketing efforts. Or use the Visitor Funnel insight to understand how travelers access your site in the weeks and months leading up to their visit.

Lodging Pacing: See where you’re going

Would you drive a car with no windshield and only a rearview mirror to guide you? This is exactly how destination leaders have been navigating market changes for decades — but no longer.

Look up to six months into the future, understanding upcoming changes in demand, stay value, and length of stay. Pinpoint high and low visitation periods and plan for them in advance. Develop marketing strategies to influence future bookings, and measure the impact of your efforts.

  • Future bookings vs. past performance
  • Trends in stay value and market importance among top 10 feeder markets
  • 30- and 90-day heatmaps show upcoming busy or slow periods at a glance
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Plan, measure, and optimize effective digital campaigns 

Origin market insights highlight the markets most likely to view your website before arriving in the destination. Use these insights — in concert with the Quality Visit Index for ZDOS® subscribers — to inform your selection of quality visit markets for your next campaign.

Use Website Attribution insights to evaluate the effectiveness of various campaign types, comparing brand awareness campaigns to more specific initiatives like seasonal promotions highlighting local events.

Compare the influence of organic search visitors — those with general brand awareness — with those driven by targeted digital media. This gives you the insight to understand the power of your paid campaigns in driving targeted visitation that meets your destination’s goals.

Website Attribution: How it works 

In-destination visits are measured through Zartico Geolocation Data, which is collected anonymously from mobile devices then cleaned, balanced, and verified by our data science team. 

These geolocation observations are linked with website visits through a process called IP bridging. This important process captures conversions even if the website visit happens on a different device (ex: a home-based laptop) than the one that is observed in the destination (ex: a smartphone).

No personally identifiable information is ever passed to Zartico or our clients, maintaining the highest possible levels of privacy and security.

Your website has a lot to tell you — are you listening? 

Schedule a demo of Zartico’s Website Attribution to unlock your new conversion-driven website strategy.

Ready to unlock lodging insights for your destination? Talk to our team today.

Ready to unlock lodging insights for your destination? Talk to our team today.

Watch this video to learn more